Grădinița cu Program Prelungit ”Scufița Roșie”, Alba Iulia, România (Educator: Bîzu Georgiana)



    ”ENCHANTED BALLON” - fun experiment


    This week was about the joy of reunion. We went back to kindergarten and had fun with our friends. In this spirit I made a small experiment that brought joy to the souls of children. The experiment was called by the children: "The magic balloon". To accomplish this activity we used a balloon and each child's hair. The first step was to rub our hands against each other and observe what was happening. The second step was to touch the balloon to each child's hair. The last step was to rub the balloon on the children's hair to see what was happening. By performing this experiment, the children learned that by rubbing two objects, electrons are transferred from one to the other, one of the objects is positively charged and the other is negatively charged. We had a great time!






    The following experiment was conducted by preschoolers at home during asynchronous online activities.

    In the padlet below you will find all the necessary information about the results of our experiment. We wish you a pleasant viewing!



    Creat cu Padlet




    ,,ICE ART”

    -an experiment that combines science with art-


                Materials needed: ice, salt, watercolors, brush, a tray.

                For this experiment you can use ice in the form of cubes (obtained in the freezer) or you can fill with water a few bowls to leave outside overnight (in winter when the temperature is below -0 degrees).

                Put the ice on a tray, let the child sprinkle a little salt on the ice and watch together the salt dig small galleries in the ice. Meanwhile, prepare the watercolors and let the child paint the salt ice. The paint will enter the galleries dug by the salt and the result will be a small work of contemporary art (in the process of melting).

             This experiment was conducted with parents during the online activity. It was a real success, and the children were very excited.







            For this experiment you need: a clean glass bowl, shaving foam, food coloring of different colors, several small glasses / containers (one for each shade of food coloring), water, a pipette or a syringe without a needle.

    Stages of the experiment:

    1. For starters, pour a little water into small glasses (20-30 ml).

    2. Drip 5-10 drops of food coloring into each glass.

    3. Fill 2/3 of the glass jar with water and decorate it with a thick layer of shaving foam.

    4. Invite the child to drip the shaving dye (different colors) from the small containers using a pipette or syringe.

    5. Watch it start to rain from the clouds of foam with multicolored peaks. They turn into colored threads as soon as they reach the water in the vessel.





    "T" comes from technology, to achieve this topic, I participated (along with preschoolers) in the Code Week event, where children carried out programming and coding activities without a computer. The activity was done through a game "Robot and programmer." This activity promotes computational thinking, coding and tech related activities.

    Together we learned that coding is fun!

    Description of the activity:

    We warmly invite you to play with us! In the classroom will be made on the ground, a dial containing 16 squares. Two children are chosen: one will be the programmer (the one who will transmit the information), and the other will be the robot (the one who will execute the received requirements). The programmer will have at his disposal four chips with arrows and will tell the robot in which direction to go to get out of the dial. Coding is fun !!!!!!!



        Unfortunately, our city is currently in the red scenario. The kindergartens are closed and the activities take place online. This week the preschoolers learned about autumn flowers and to mark this theme we did a little experiment: "Blooming paper flowers". This experiment was also done by other partners and we are glad that we managed to do it ourselves. The activity took place with the help of parents and was carried out with pleasure by the children.





    Ed. Bîzu Georgiana

    G.P.P. ”Scufița Roșie”, România



    Since we are in the winter season, we proposed to the children to carry out a simple and easy experiment at home with their parents. Romania is still in quarantine and all activities take place online. By accessing the presentation below you will discover how the experiment is carried out!









    "E" comes from engineering. Engineering activities in preschool are concerned with the design and building. It is testing structures and designs, as well as discovering and testing posisble solutions. 


    Taking into account that we are still in the quarantine period, and the activity takes place online… the preschoolers of the group received as a theme to make the house of their dreams. They, with the help of matches, played with like the architects and made the plan of their house. The activity was carried out with pleasure and interest by the children.