• Coordinatination meeting of the activities


    Coordination meeting of activities for the next month, with the centers of Ceuta, Granada, Turkey and Seville

    New activities 7 November 2020

    Meeting to coordinate the next November activities with the centers of Granada, Ceuta and Seville.

    Women of the Ocean meeting November 18 2020

    The centres of IES Vega Atarfe, Ceuta and IES Macarena meet to choose from the list drawn up jointly the women of the ocean who will work in oceanic teams.

    Coordination meeting women of the ocean November 20-2020

    The centres of Vega Atarfe , Macarena and Heraklion in Crete (Greece) are meeting to expand the list drawn up jointly and to determine the app we are going to use for the creation of the digital magazine of women of the ocean.

    Presentation of schools November 20-11-2020

    Videoconference between the students of the centre of Ceuta and the IES Macarena, to determine the coordination of each oceanic team and how we will elaborate the articles and comics of the women of the ocean of the digital magazine.

    Presentation of schools November 20-11-2020

    The IES Macarena presents the students from Ceuta, the oceanic blue delegate of 1º ESO


    Today we had a videoconference in the IES Macarena with the eTwinnning students of the IES Vega Atarfe, to share and put in common the physical characteristics, properties and kit that will accompany the wondereTwinner.


    Valuing the videoconference between students of IES Macarena (Seville) and IES Vega Atarfe, to coordinate the activity of the wondereTwinner,

    Coordination meeting 22- January- 2021

    We have established the calendar of upcoming activities and the form of collaboration. With the centers of Granada, Ceuta, Sevilla and Greece.

    Coordination meeting 21 March 2021

    The centres of IES Macarena and IES Vega Atarfe (Spain) with Greece met to determine the calendar of new activities.

    Logo meeting 8 March 2021

    The centres of Seville and Granada, IES Macarena and IES Vega Atarfe, agreed on how to present the logo vote in our project.

    Story jumper coordination meeting 19 May 2021

    IES Vega Atarfe of Granada and IES Macarena meet to establish the guidelines for the latest activities.

    Coordination meeting 20 May 2021

    The centres of Ceuta, IES Vega Atarfe and IES Macarena de España together with the centre of Greece, met to coordinate the final activities of the project.

    Meeting 1-June -2020

    ES Vega Atarfe and IES Macarena schools met to finalise the calendar of final activities.

    Project review meeting 29 June 2021

    The schools of Ceuta and Seville meet to assess the evaluation reports and final activities of the project.

    Project review meeting 29 June 2021

    IES Vega Atarfe, IES Macarena and IES Ceuta meet for the last time to review all the activities carried out and their exhibition in the pages of the project.

    Coordination meeting 21 November 2021

    We reviewed the application for the European eTwinning Award and submitted it by mutual agreement.

    Coordination meeting 19 November 2021

    We drafted the sections and selected the links for the application for the European eTwinning Award.

  • Agreements taken during the online meetings: Go to page our tasks, schedule and digital tools..