• We present this infographic to hang in the classrooms of our shools, spreading the project.

    Click on  the picture to enlarge it.




  • Presenting the project

    New project IES Macarena (Seville) Spain

    Presenting the new project in class

    Discussing about the ocean beauty and the dangers it faces...

    Students from Heraklion Crete Greece had a differnt class, relaxing by the sea and realising the dangers that marine life is facing. We talked about the major issues that our project deals with.


    This brossure was created to inform the school community about our new eTwinning project concerning ocean life.

    CEIP Ciudad de Ceuta, Spain.

    We introduce the new project to students.

    IES Vega de Atarfe

    For the first time for all students and some teachers, our school is trying cooperation between different levels. Students of 1º ESO (7th graders) will work in Biology (Mrs. Eva) with Chemistry (Mrs. Montse) and English Teacher (Mrs Rosario), whose class 1º CFGS Business Administration and Finance is working this project in English Module.
    Do you think it will work?????
    We are sure it's going to be a wonderful experience