Natural Phenomina

  • Germany

    In our region of Germany, the most well-known natural phenomenon is the Vulkaneifel.  To learn more about it, take a look at the document by Jule and Viki!


    In the UK we looked at the formations of tarns in the Lake District and the UK coastline, as well as the very rare solar eclipse...

      Lakes       Coastline      Eclipse



    During the Meeting in Finland the pupils studied the different states of water in six groups. The presentations in can be found here and on these TwinSpace pages. After the outputs there are six quizes on the subject. The homepage of Soinin Yhtenäiskoulu in was chosen as a learning platform so that the pupils could produce and upload their materials themselves on the pages in question. The instructions were the following:

    Pupils tasks on Water

    The aim of this task was to gather and produce material for our own e-book by using natural scientific methods. We wanted to bring together the school subjects that were in turn in this project (biology, geography, physics and mathematics) with the different ways of producing digital material as well as the basics of doing scientific research. As a final result all groups had a page with some interactive material in e-book, which we were building during the week in Pedanet.

    On Monday 30th January the task was introduced to six groups of pupils for planning and gathering ideas. The pupils were adviced to gather as much material for the presentation by themselves as possible, for example phographing and studying outside were water can be seen in different forms during Finnish wintertime. In this way also the experimental research was practised  - so the whole path from nature to digital material that can be divided in internet.

    On Tuesday the pupils had time for getting information from internet and doing research in classrooms as well as on a visit to lake near our school where it was possible to examine the thickness and strenght of the ice on the lake. On this trip we also did icefishing to catch material for our second task.

    On Wednesday all the gathered material was brought to Pedanet, which is a platform in internet that we use in our school in sharing and dealing pupils works and e-material.  The Erasmus-groups were allowed to use any kind of applications which can be empedded in Pedanet or to write their presentations straight to Pedanets taskpages. Also an interactive quiz about the contents of each task was created by the groups and the other pupils had chance to answer all the quizes.These individual presentations were also uploaded to Twinspace. The full e-book including presentations made in Erasmus-week can be found in the pages of our school in Pedanet and there is a link in Twinspace to those pages as well. 

    On Friday the tasks were presented to other groups.




    Tehty Padletilla



    Tehty Padletilla












    After finishing their presentations on Water the pupils made six quizes on the theme and they also answered in other groups' questions.

    Quiz Group 1 can be found here.

    Quiz Group 2 can be found here.

    Quiz Group 3 can be found here.

    Quiz Group 4 can be found here.

    Quiz Group 5 can be found here.

    Quiz Group 6 can be found here.