Coding in the German school

  • Coding does not appear on the curriculum at our school. However, as a result of this project, we decided to rise to the challenge and include coding in some afternoon clubs. 

    We began by offering coding with "Scratch" as part of an afternoon Media Club. The pupils learnt to use the programme in order to animate pictures and send digital greetings cards. Then they used Scratch in order to programme simple games. 

    We then started a club for building and programming Lego robots. We began in Year 5 using Lego "WeDo"and our school iPads. This was relatvely simple to grasp and our pupils enjoyed it very much. 

    From here we progressed to using Lego Mindstorms with pupils from Year 6 upwards. We participated for the first time in 2017 in the FLL Lego Competition. Our group is now highly motivated to participate again next year and has made considerable progress as far as programming is concerned. 

    The skills learnt during the club have proved useful in Maths and Physics lessons, as well as being very motivating.