Here is a list made by the students at IES Enric Valor of the advantages and disadvantages of using mobiles and tablets in the classroom. They are ordered by most mentioned, with a number in brackets showing the number of groups of pupils that mentioned it.
You can search a lot of information and activities (10)
You don't have to bring a bag with a lot of weight (6)
It's cheaper than the books, because you can learn with it for a lot of years if you don't break it (5)
Lessons are funnier and more exciting (3)
You learn more (2)
You can use the calculator and the corrector (2)
You can do a lot of things with it (2)
You learn how to use technology (2)
Save money
Download the books
You can go everywhere with it
It is possible that the marks go up
You can watch videos
You can use to make study plans and projects
You can find answers to your questions
You can listen to classical music to concentrate better
You can make safe backups not to lose information
It is fast and easy to use
There are multiplatform e-books
You can save a lot of information in a small place
You don't forget which subjects you have
You don't use so much paper, so it is eco-friendly
You can work faster
Projects can be projected directly on the screen
You can have your lessons at home, via the Internet
You don't listen to the teacher, you don't pay attention (8)
Not all people can buy it because it is expensive (5)
You can break it, if it falls (4)
Batteries can have a short life (3)
You can use phones and tablets in a bad way (3)
You can play games (2)
It can be bad for your eyes (2)
People can be cyberbullied (2)
They are easy to steal (2)
Not everyone knows how to use it
It uses a lot of electricity
It is possible that you have problems when you use tablets
Tablets can create addiction
You can look for bad information or videos
You can chat with friends
You can copy information in an exam
It is possible to lose the information you have
You can forget the subjects you have if you forget your tablet
Children don't get used to writing well and they make spelling mistakes
Batteries pollute