The children of Year 3a supported various charities. Pupils baked gingerbreads for people in deed. They also shared their toys, books, and sweets with children from The Hospice and The Single Mother House.
3f - We are grateful
The children of Year 3f shared their opinions of being grateful. Pupils decided to do some colourful boxes with special thanks for their parents. Children appreciated the love and care of their families. These unusual gifts made parents feel so happy.
The package Christmas for children from Cameroon
Students from class 3F, along with their parents and teachers Miss Puszczewicz and Miss Zasańska, put together Christmas parcels for underprivileged children in Cameroon. The pupils had a lesson about Cameroon which consisted of looking at pictures, finding out about the country's language, capital city and population. Comparisons were then drawn with Poland. For a week, the children were collecting the most essential items in addition to Christmas gifts. Once we had all of the gifts and products, we arranged them and prepared the package to be sent. The package weighed 10 kilograms and should be in Cameroon in approximately two weeks. On the same day we sent it, there were also elves helping out and we made gifts for children from Abong Mband, which is in Cameroon. When we returned to our classroom, we found gifts for us from Santa - it was a very nice day!
Anna Puszczewicz & Agnieszka Zasańska
In Novemeber and December we've been talking about being GRATEFUL AND GENEROUS.
Years 5 c and 5 d were GRATEFUL for all the talents they have and they were thinking about how to SHARE them with others. Each of them made a STAR OF TALENTS, which are on display in classroom 61.
All the students in Key Stage 2 were thinking about how to be GENEROUS by helping the people in need living in the Third World countries. They wanted to promote the idea of FAIRTRADE by making posters, flags and recording their own videos.
Year 2d students got some beautiful presents from Santa and didn't forget to be GRATEFUL and write a THANK YOU note to him! They also baked some delicious gingerbread biscuits which they didn't eat themselves but donated to people in need! They were really GENEROUS!
Year 4e were talking about being GRATEFUL and GENEROUS during their PSHE lesson. The students made beautiful posters and very skillful presentations.
Year 3j also remembered about people in need and were really GENEROUS. They were ready to give away some of their toys to poor children and baked some gingerbread biscuits to support others. Well done, 3j!
Children from Receprion class collected lots of toys for the patents of Wroclaw Hospice. They were very GENEROUS and did not hesitae to donate their toys, money and time to help the ill children. Thank you, Reception
Reception class students also made a display of a big beautiful heart on which they stuck little hearts with the things they are GRATEFUL for. There are so many things they want to say "THANK YOU" for...