Welcome to eTwinning 2019/2020

  • Hello St Joseph's, St Philip's and SP118!


    Welcome to yet another year of our cooperation and working on the values!


    This year we are focusing on the value of PERSEVERANCE  - shown in the story by Bruno Fererro about a liitle caterpillar who wanted to become a butterfly one day and never gave up.

    Here goes the story


    Once upon a time there was a small caterpillar who was walking towards the sun.

    A grasshopper saw it and asked:

    - Where are you going?

    -I had a dream last night – said the caterpillar. - I was at the top of the mountain and saw an amazing view of a valley. It was so beautiful that I decided to experience it in the real life.

    - Are you crazy?  How can you even dream of reaching the top of the mountain if a stone is a mountain for you and a paddle is for you a big sea!. The grasshopper ridiculed her.

    But the caterpillar didn’t listen and kept on walking . Then a cockroach met her and asked:

    - Where are you rushing?

    - I had a dream last night - she answered- and I want to make it TRUE. I want to climb up the mountain to see our beautiful world.

    The cockroach couldn’t believe his ears:

    - Look at me! Look at my legs! Even my strong legs wouldn’t take me to the top of the mountain. And you think you can?!

    But the Caterpillar kept on walking. It was a long walk and the caterpillar was very tired.“ I will have a rest” , said the caterpillar and built a shelter to relax. When the caterpillar was sleeping, all the animals gathered thinking that  the brave caterpillar is dead and they all started to weep:

    - Poor thing! Look at the Caterpillar. Her dreams killed her.

    One day the animals saw two anteannae sticking out of the shelter. Then they saw two amazing wings . 

    - Look! It’s a butterfly! Our caterpillar is now a beautiful butterfly.

    The butterfly spread its wings and flew towards the mountain. All the animals were ashamed.


    When we look at the brave caterpillar What can we learn? 

    B- always be brave to pursue your dreams, no matter what others think

    U-Remember you are a unique person and what you do really matters

    T- Take care of your dreams and never give up

    T- Try to do your best even if your goal seems so distant

    E- Even if you fail at the beginning, do your best and don’t give up

    R- respect others and their dreams

    F- Find your friends who will support you

    L- Live your dream and make it true

    Y – Always say to yourself YES I CAN DO IT

    Only then you can spread your wings and fly !


    May we all be PERSEVERANT and patinet in reaching our goals. Have a wonderful school year and ... become butterflies one day!