• 3F ->  CURIOUS









    In September and October we've been working on two values: CURIOUS AND ACTIVE.

    This is what we did:

    1. We carried out a survey about what we do to know more (being curious) and what we do after school (being active). The findings of the survey were  displayed in the form of bar charts.

    2. Reception Class visited the Botanical Garden and they were measuring and researching trees. How interesting!

    3. Year 3, 4 and 6 were talking about what they are interested in. Their presented their interests  posters, which were put together as a wall display.

    4. Year 6 made PowerPoint presentations about how to develop the value of being curious in ourselves.

    5. Reading as a way of satisfying our natural curiosity became a focus in Year 2. The children have been reading a lot recently and enjoying it very much!

    6. Year 3 was taking part in a workshop conducted by the people from outside school who were teaching them how to create your own cartoon. How CREATIVE!

    7. During  after-school club students took part in the event called "The Dot Day"(September the 15th). It was all about how we can be creative in every sgngle thing! Even drawing a simple dot! And about how we can mark ourselves with a simple dot!

    8. Being ACTIVE AND CURIOUS, year 5 went to the theatre to see a very interesting play called "Yemaya - the queen of the sea". They discusses the values it contains and drew some pictures on the basis of the play.