Jobs related situations

  • The following situations can be acted out with your teacher/ classmate.

    Business situations

    1.You are arriving late at work. You start.

    2. You need a day off because your child is ill. You start.

    3. You need to go home earlier. You start.

    4. Your boss wants you to do some overtime today but you can’t stay. Your boss starts.

    5. The photocopier doesn’t work and you tell your colleague about it. You start.

    6. You need some pieces of advice on the new project. You start.

    7. You need some help from your colleagues. You start.

    8. You need some coffee but you don’t have the time. Ask your colleague. you start.

    9. You haven’t done a task that you had promised to do. Your boss starts.

    10. One of your colleagues wants to speak to you but you are very busy at the moment. Your colleague starts.

    11. One of your colleagues asks you to post a letter for him. He starts.

    12. You are the boss. You have a problem with one of your colleagues. He is always late with his work. You start.

    13. You would like to have your summer break (2 weeks) in July. You start.

    14. One of your colleagues father is very ill. You start.

    15. One of your colleagues have a baby. You start.

    16. One of your colleagues feels sick at the workplace. You start.

    17. You would like to have a payment rise. You start.

    18. You would like to get promoted. You start.

    19. You are about to give up your job. You start.

    20. You would like to have a bigger office. You start.