Project Plan

  • Schedule of the 4 mobilities during the project: 

    • Because of the Covid-19 situation our initial plan for tthe mobilities was changed. The project was extended with 6 months and we were given the opportunity to conduct the rest of the mobilities virtually.
    1st mobility 03/11/2019 - 08/11/2019  Purullena, Granada, SPAIN
    2nd mobility 01/06/2021 - 04/06/2021 Epinal, FRANCE - Virtual
    3rd mobility    29/11/2021 - 02/12/2021 Smolyan, BULGARIA - Virtual
    4th mobility   21/ 02/2022 - 24/ 02/2022 Corsico, Milan, ITALY - Virtual


    Activities to be done during P2, from November 2019 to April 2020:

    By December 15th

    - Writing Newsletter 1 with the Ambassadors’ feedback and feelings about their experience of mobility 1

    - Listing all the franchises that the students have both found in Granada and know from their home country (to be compared during mobility 2 in France)

    By January 31st
    - Making a product out of the information the students picked up during the meeting at Caritas : each country is free to choose the format of its production and we will compare them and make a common final one in France during mobility 2 or select one that seems complete enough to describe the charity.

    By March 15th

    - listing down the different local charities working with people in need in each participant’s area.

    - visiting one charity with the students if possible

    - presenting those charities to the school community (video/ slide show/ posters/exhibition ….)

    By April 15th

    - writing newsletter 2
      - working on Twinspace, creating a blog, a Facebook page and an Instagram page