Sadly, the last virtual mobility of this project took place last February. In these days, the students had the opportunity to meet other students, exchange their viewpoints about the project and practise some English. Here I let you some pictures of it:

As we can see, the students from the four teams did some collaborative tasks, like participating in a Kahoot about the four countries' own cultures, completing a Padlet titled "an unplugged day" and finally design a word cloud. hey got so much fun!
There was some time for showing the teams's presentations relted to the topic of the project, like the Spanish team "a visit to CADE-Guadix", in which they explained the importance of getting some advice and help fro this association so as to develop and promote your own local company. Here I let you the link to the presentation which includes some pictures of the visit:
Link to the presentation "A visit to CADE-Guadix"
Another presentation of the Spanish team was "its local ciusine" by means of three interesting videos which include the steps to cook !a traditional local plate":
Link to the video by África Requena
Link to the video by Ana Gómez
Link to the video by Esme Hernández
Finally, the students showd three presentations of their school, their country and area and the visit to the cave-museum "La Inmaculada":
Link to the presentation "our school"
"Link to the presentation "Our country, our area and the village of Purullena"
Link to the presentation "a visit to the cave-museum "La Inmaculada"