Hello everyone
As our world is going through a very strange period, we are all locked in ours homes. As a result our second mobility has been postponed. Indeed, we should have all met this week in Epinal, France !! I wish we were together right now !!
However, let's not let Covid stop all our projects
We ll meet online this week to talk about the local initiatives that are instaured around us in our communities. Maybe we can share ideas !!!
Before we meet, let's share with you some of the French students' work on what they will do when self-isolation is over ! : you can discover them on Notre Dame St Joseph Erasmus+ corners at school page
Enjoy-- April 2020
JUNE 2021
The French team is very happy to welcome you on its virtual mobility
from June the 1st to Juen the 4th :)
we all hope you have a good time and you enjoy and learn from this week's activities
let's go!!!
Fom the 1st to the 4th of June the first virtual movilty held by the French team was celebrated.
This school year has been quite unusual due to the arrival of the world wide pandemic. This aspect has affected our school life deeply, and above all, it hasn't allowed us to participate in "the physical movilities", as the one held by the Spanish team in 2019.
In these four days, the students of the Erasmus Plus team have been working with the other students from France, Bulgaria and Italy, doing some collaborative activities. They have allowed them to look back to "older times" in which they could participate in the physical mobilities. Besides, they have exchanged their experience and viewpoints and have practised some English!
Here there are some pictures with the posters our students have designed as well as the activities they have been participating.
We really hope that next school year the Erasmus Plus club meets regularly at school so as to keep on working with this exciting project. We are sure that we will get it!

The Bulgarian team during the mobility: 
We visited a local craftman!
The craftsman we visite is a bagpipe maker. He is one of a few left. He showed us his workshop and the ttools he uses to create the traditional bagpipes and he answered all the questions the students asked.