• Celebration of the International Day Of the Wetlands which is celebrated on the 2nd of February. Every country will organize an activity to make wetlands visible in each school such as visits to different wetlands on our areas, presentations in different formats about importance of wetlands in the Earth's existence or even a Symposium for Students and Teachers on the topic above mentioned. With the slogan " We are not powerless against climate change" we will raise awereness among students of the importance of wetlands.

    (With this activity we are developing the objectives 1, 2 and 6 of the project)






    The teachers of our school have received some training. An environmental specialist has given us some talks about the environment: fauna in our channels and wetlands, natural resources and sustainability so that we can give value to the resources of proximity that often go unnoticed but are essential

    In other grades of Primary Education, we have designed our own 3D wetland model. First of all, we discovered what a wetland is, and why they are so important. We introduced the content using some videos about wetlands, types, functions and bio diversity.

    Here you have some pictures.

    We will show you pretty soon the end product of our project...


    Our students have had several talks by a naturalist about flora and fauna in the area of wetland and rivers in Palencia



    Balta Mică a Brăilei (Little swamp) Natural Park of Braila (PN-BmB) is located in the South - East of Romania and occupies a 62 km segment of the Lower Danube Course, between the Giurgeni-Vadu Oii road bridge (km 237, on the Danube, upstream) and Brăila municipality (175 km downstream).

    PN-BmB is a Wet Zone of international importance declared in June 2001 (occupies the position 1074 on the list of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands) and since 2008 it has received the status of Sit Natura 2000 both as a Site of Community Importance and as a Special Area of Avifaunistic Protection.

    PN-BmB conserves on an area of 241 km2 the last complexes of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in flood-free regime that were left after the embankment of the valleys of Braila and Ialomiţa (the former Inner Delta - 2,413 km2).

    Balta Mică a Brăilei (Little swamp) Natural Park which is situated in Romania, in Brăila County, on the administrative territory of communes  Berteștii de JosChiscaniGropeniMărașu and Stăncuța.

    On February 2, 2020 - The International Day of Wetlands, the students of the Stăncuța Secondary School, visited the information point of Romsilva Administration Of Natural Park Balta Mică A Brăilei, to get acquainted with the fauna and flora of the Balta Mică a Brăilei (Little swamp) Natural Park of Braila and to understand the reasons why this area entered the Ramsar Convention list of wetlands, from the researchers employed by this information point.


    Based on the information at the Information Point, our students used their talent and skills to create posters and models that depict the area in which they live, namely Balta Mică a Brăilei (Little swamp) Natural Park.





    A day without the water (class 8b)

    Normally the Finns use 160 l water per day. So if we compare this with other countries, that’s a lot. 

    During the lesson pupils listened a story about a day without the water and then discussed about some questions.

    Here are some answers from our students

    More can be found from out Water Day -padlet


    Suopäivä 2022

    Swamp Power Points by 8a 

    Plants of a swamp.pdf


    Swamps Vegetation.pdf