GO! Lyceum Aalst, Belgium.pdf
Lyceum Aalst is a school located in the centre of the city. It has a central green area, surrounded by classified buildings and one modern building with science classes. It offers general secondary education to students aged 11-18: economics, modern languages, human sciences, classical languages, science. The school population has 550 students, 50 teachers, one Head Teacher, an assistant of the Head Teacher and administrative staff. We have 2 computer labs, and 4 science classes. Lyceum Aalst provides qualitative education in a child oriented green environment,combining classical buildings with modern pedagogy, students are given the opportunity to explore their own talents. Our students are prepared to go through to higher education (university, high school). Offering qualitative education is our goal. We have pupils from very different backgrounds, but with the student support we provide for them, all of these students get the same learning opportunities. We are always looking for realistic learning opportunities for our students, for intrinsic motivation. These extracurricular projects provide them experiences valuable in their whole life, which cannot be attained only in class. Therefore we engage in a lot of projects, in our school and in connection with the community around us. Every school year we have cultural, economical and environmental projects. Some examples: entrepeneurship of the economics class, debating club, attending cultural activities, language contests, organizing workshops for younger students, kindergarten and retirement home, school garden. Also, it runs eTwinning projects the last 4 years, which have won National and European Quality Labels. We are really motivated to engage in this European project. It offers our students and staff a window on Europe. They will experience that we as people have a lot in common, even if cultural backgrounds are very different. In this way we are guiding students in becoming European citizens of the future with key competences and values: freedom, embracing cultural diversity, tolerance, non-discrimination combined with building a strong, critical personality. The Erasmus+ team in this school consists of: - Nina Vandepapeliere, who hasexperience with international projects: international courses for teachers, eTwinning and Move2Learn - Jens Ramon who has done two international courses for teachers. - Sophie Bossut who attended the contact seminar for KA2 in October 2018 and has started eTwinning this school year.