In our Project the following common activities will be developed:
- P2: Project management. All schools will announce project's team selections and design a special application form in order to select candidates. Spain will design a basic application form for all the schools to be personalised according to each school´s needs. In this form we will stablish a common criteria for the students to meet. We will also announce the beginning of the project in our school websites, blogs, local media, newspapers, radio and by means of the social network.With this activity we are developing the main objective of the project.
- P20: Info Point for our CYLCE project. Each school will design an info point related to the main contents,objectives and activities of our common project. It will be placed on a visible place which can be seen and read by any person of the school community so it could be placed in a common space such as a hall, entance, or corridor. It will be updated every month by the students who belong to the project and copordinated by the teachers in charge.
- C1: Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils: Water is life.
- P1: Logo Contest: Two logos will be selected in each country so we will have 8 logos to choose from. The winning logo will be announced on our school webs, and social media and it will be visible on Twinspace and EPR platform. All the documents from the project will have the logo on them. A prize will be given for the author in the farewell party that will conclude the mobility in Spain.
- P3:Dissemination activities. : Some flyers will be printed to explain the main content of our project and a special corner will be set up to promote project actions . Schools will also make the project visble on twitter, instagram , school blogs, shool web pages and Facebook . All these activities are meant to announce the beginning of the project
- P4: "How do they do it?"
Every school will make a video about a process related to water, clean energies, dams... etc. The explanation will be recorded and uploaded to our eTwinning space. Every country will create a questionnaire in Google drive or similar format for the rest of the students, from other countries to fill in and in this way we will check what they have learnt
from watching the video. - P5:PBL
Project teams in each partner school formed by pupils and teachers will develop a project, using problem based learning method – PBL, structured in two thematic modules:
First module of PBL: The philosophy of water (the sacred dimension) :
* water in cosmogonic scenarios.
* water in folk rituals, in religious rituals - P6: "Day of Wetlands": Every country will organize an activity to make wetlands visible in each school.
Every school will carry out an Eco Audit to analyze if our schools are sustainable and to what extent, we will then decide steps to be taken in order to a make our schools even more sustainable if possible.
10. C2: Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils. Finnish lakes all over.
11.P8. Day of Europe:
The annual event, hold on 9th May, celebrates peace and unity in Europe. Every school will design a celebration in which the whole participates . We
will emphasis the importance of being part of Europe and give visibility to values such as: Human dignity, Freedom, Democracy, Equality, Rule of law
and Human rights. Every school will also write a manifesto or decalogue which will summarize the most relevant aspects of being part of Europe.
12. P9. Dissemination activities:
We will show the mobilities which have taken place in Spain and Finland by publishing an article in a local newspaper, magazines, and the social networks.
13. P10:The interinim evaluation of the project.
The headteachers and project coordinators meet in a videoconference.
14.P11: Homework for summer time.
During the summer holiday the pupils from partner schools will be invited to create a photo diary about their impressions during holiday travel or activities bicycle performed.
15.C3: Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils. Vive le Vélo!
16: P12: Conduct a videoconferences for pupils about summer holidays bicycled performed in English
17.P13: Second PBL:
Life of water (the profane dimension)
18.P14: Eurovelo.
Every school will promote the eurovelo routes which cross their countries to give them visibility.
19. P15: Each country will make a large map, board or modelin relief of the most relevant geographical features of their region related to water.
20.P16: Celebration of the International Water Day
Sustainable Development Goal 6 is crystal clear water for all by 2030.
21.P17: spring bike ride
marathon with students, teachers, parents, guests from neighboring schools to draw attention to the importance of protecting nature and the
22. C4: Short-term exchangesof groups of pupils . At the beautiful blue Danube
23. P18: Dissemination activity
24. P19: Closing conference of the project .
Each partner school organizes final projects conference.