Czech Rep. - Stredni odborne uciliste elektrotechnicke

  • SOUE Plzeň the Czech Republic

    Střední odborné učiliště elektrotechnické

    High and Vocational School of Electrical Engineering




    School has about 800 students who come from the city Pilsen and West Bohemia. Most of our students are Czech, but some students are from Russia, Ukraine and Vietnam. Age 15 - 20. Our school has about 40 teachers of theoretical subjects and 30 teachers of practical training. School programmes: 3 - year vocational programs of electrical engineering, 4 - year secondary branches - electrical engineering, telecommunication and information technology. In school curriculum you can find theoretical and practical special subjects which lead to their future professions but also general subjects like languages, mathematics, history etc. which form student general education and knowledge. Our students study at least one foreign language - English or German. After finishing school most students go to work but about 20% continue their study at universities or tertiary colleges. The school consists of the school itself, a dining hall and a dormitory. It has modern special labs, workshops and PC rooms.

    Our school has a good experience in European projects - Leonardo da Vinci between the years 2006 - 2014. In the year 2013 the school joined the project Comeinius and in the years 2014 and 2017 to the projects Erasmus+. All of them were completed with success.

    This experience built a strong team in our school. The team are teachers of following subjects: English, German, Russian, History, IT and electrical engineering.

    We can see the huge impact of the European projects on our students in terms of key competences and rising school results, or self-confidence. All the graduates which were and have been involved in our projects are now either university students, entrepreneurs or are working in quite good positions. Unfortunately, the impact on students has to leave inevitably the school together with the involved students. For this reason, we have to apply again and again to use a tool which proved to be successful to the new comers. Developing and implementing European projects have a huge contribution also to the individual development of our teachers, to the promotion of the school educational offer, contributing as such to the rise of the quality of the students which are choosing to study in our school.