1 .Lighthouse keeper's lunch solutions The basket


    We grouped the solutions planned by pupils by type.

    Here the ideas that are focussed on changing the kind of basket.

    Question: how can we avoid the seagulls eating lunch in the basket?

    Children: we can change the basket so the seagull can't open it.

     Building the basket 

    Building a basket with a glass and a locker

    Tools: locker, 2 keys, metal, glass

    The basket has food on the bottom, covered by a glass and it's closed with metal and a locker. Mr. Gringling has a key in the lighthouse, the other key is in the house

    Class 4C Madrid 

    II A class from Romania, develop all activities about Luncj keeper Lunch in online time! It was a great experince for teacher and students also!. After we read together the story, we discuss about sollution that Mrs Gringling find. 

    So at home my students find as sollution to built a stronger basket! 

    Pupils of first Grade section C-D-E read the story and made STEAM activities . They discuss a lot and found some strange solution to help the poor Mr lighthouse keeper.

    also students of PON project -Robotic and Steam worked about the solution of the problem and build a Lego WeDo helicopter so  the basket arrive fast to the lighthouse over the seagulls

    here the video of classes 1 C_D_E finding and making solution 

     steam activities Italy

    Second classes A-B, from Italy. The children made and suggested solutions.Fun to build and a pinwheel on the basket to spread the seagulls.


    Attività delle classi quarte sez. C-D – La nostra soluzione: sopra la cesta del pranzo la moglie del signor Grinling mette un cestino con del pesce fresco. I gabbiani cercano il modo di mangiarlo. Così nel frattempo il pranzo arriverà a destinazione tutto intero.





    Solution 1stA - 1stB classes





    Students of 3rd Grade section A-B-C-D-E made Steam activities to create a 3D landscape of the story ( unfinished because of the quarantine) and tryed to find same solutions to the houselight keeper’s problem.

    Seagulls could be kept away from Mr. Grinling’s lunch by a scarecrow or a windmill   that come out of the basket. Another solution could be some braided alluminium paper sticks placed above the basket. Alluminium creates a mirror effect that scares seagulls. 




    During quarantine children continued to work on the project. 

    Students made also a little search on Capo Zafferanp's lighthouse near Bagheria.It was built around 1880; it is reached by a winding, narrov road that follows the course of the rocky ridge. It's an interesting tourist attraction because it offers a wonderful view on a part of the Sicilian Tyrrhenian coast. In 1980, a hundred years before its consctuction and the transfer of the last lighthouse keeper, it was abbandoned. Here you are some fotos of Capo Zafferano's lighthouse.



    Children wondered: "What did our last lighthouse keeper have for lunch?" So, they racket their brains to create a rich typical sicilian menu like this:


    They enjoyed cooking ( with their patient moms help) some of theese tasty dishes: appetizers like arancine, panelle, sfincione or desserts like cannoli and cassatelle.