Grab the story rules
step 1
group of students meet online
during the meeting, each group throw 3 cubes
Groups should be three.
step 2
pictures will be upload into a google doc
the first group will write the incipit of the story
the second group will continue the story,
the third group will finish the story.
the first group have to use their three cubes,
the second group can use their own plus cubes of the first group,
the third group can use their own plus the cubes of the other two groups.
the story will be created in the mother tongue and translate in English by the teachers so the story can be read and students can understand.
step three
group of the students will illustrate the part of the story of the others ( 1-3; 3-2;2-1)
Step 4
Students will organize the story in an ebook ( book creator) in a collaborative way
WE MADE A HUGE WORK so All passages of the activity is on google drive on this link and we will add some pictures and links there
Here you can find all our amazing work!
click and enjoy
our common final product_ THE BOOK