
  • Purpose of the project

    Life skills are the set of skills that a person uses to manage problems, those of everyday life whose solution depends on skills that refer to emotional intelligence.

    Life skills can be grouped into three main areas:

    • emotional skills: self-awareness, emotion management, stress management.
    • relational skills: empathy, effective communication, effective relationships.
    • cognitive skills: solving problems, making decisions, critical thinking, creative thinking




    The main purpose of acquiring soft skills is to overcome obstacles,the ability to better live one's possibilities, therefore to know and understand oneself, express one's potential, obtain personal satisfaction, and be fulfilled.


    Educating to life skills is possible and the school, from the first years, can do a lot to promote in children the overcoming of those stresses, of those inconveniences that everyday life offers: the relationship with peers, the management of one's own emotions, the difficulty in communicating in the class group, the lack of self-esteem.


    The didactic approach to teaching life skills can certainly not be the traditional one, absolutely inadequate for socio-emotional skills.

    An active, dynamic, engaging learning for the pupil is certainly more appropriate, a didactic in which we have a significant role in the direct experience, the group, the discussion, the comparison with others, to combine emotional aspects and cognitive.