inspiring bikes & Xmas project

  • ICS Galvani di Milano, Italy

    The photo below leads to 4-graders drawings. Which bike do you find the most exciting?

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    eTwinning interaction and an Xmas project

    The Xmas project is a solidarity project made in Milan, to support difficult situations all over the world.

    So our school decided to take part in the project because we wanted to share the same goals of the Etwinning project.

    At the same time, our intention is to promote the sense of responsability towards the other people, and the importance of sustainability in students.

    The Xmas project proposed to us to create a cardboard bike.

    All the photos of the bikes became part of a solidarity book sold in order to help people living in difficult situations.

    This year they decided to help Tanzania, where bikes are considered luxury goods, but also an extraordinary resource: a bike is useful to move, to carry, may be a means of transport,  a cargo wagon. Students must walk for half an hour to get to school so they need bikes to reach the distance there.

    In Tanzania the bike is a great opportunity for the present and for the future.

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    Today we have watched your amazing bike designs. Congrats on your creativity! And we have learnt a word in Italian - bici.

                                                                                             Purda students, Poland

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    Valenitna, you did an amazing job with your pupils!

                                                                                          Krystyna Izdebska, Poland

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    Fantastic work during which students used mathematical and technical skills.

                                                                                      Katarzyna Marchwica, Poland