Students' assessment vocabulary activities

  • The results of the survey can be read HERE or clicking above, 65 answers

    students assessment vocabulary.docx

    Comment below preferably in English, if not in your native language, on your favorite part in this activity.44 réponses
    This activity was very interessant because i like the maths
    I didin't like this activity because i prefore speack spanish
    I liked writing an algorithm to find a birthday, it was nice.
    Jai aimer l’activité
    I learn a New vocabulary.
    My favorite part is to create an algorithm and to share it.
    It's fun because i like
    My favorite part in this activity was when we try to seek the answer to the question
    My favorite part in this activity has been creating the algorithm
    the experiment is really good because we work together
    I liked play the kahoot because it was fun, and also the activity of algorithms.
    I like play to the kahoot in the classe room
    during this activity I enjoyed the realization of the experience
    I love plat kahoot
    Because is very funny
    I Very Like the Kahoot games
    My favorite part is when we create an article from madmag for the magazine.
    The kahoot games
    I don't have favorite part in this activity.
    It was to think about calculation to made a algorithm
    I like this activity, the method was very interesting, but the result is not satisfactory.
    My favourite part of this activity is the calculate π with rice.
    There is not a preferably part in this activity but all along was interesting but it was not very understand by all people.
    Honestly it wasn't that bad, that's why I prefer to drink beers with my buddies Donald Trump and Poutine.#wwIII
    It's fun to share the code of other people
    My favorite part is the part where is the practice part i don't like theorique part
    I like kahoot
    I have living the activities with Kahoot and when we have create a enigme for my birthday.
    Disfruté mucho, ya que teníamos que investigar cosas en otro idioma ,y pensar mucho para averiguar los algoritmos.
    I eat some rice It was good the goal is to survive to the rice war, but it's hard because the circle and the square hit me in the face. But i am strong so i continued the fight and i won the war! Really i like calculated pi
    I don't know really
    The mathematical part
    I quite enjoyed what we did so far
    It is the part about writting the calculation .
    I don’t have favourite part
    My favorite part in this activity is the experiment and the calculation
    I liked creating the operation