Group number 2

  • The members of this team are:

    Andrea Iniesta                      Léo Quesnot         Jules Lemoine

    María Martínez                     Anatole Clos          Damien Lejuez

    Desi Martínez                       Rémy Besnier

    Marta Goc                           Come Champigneux

    Inga Jungclaus                    Clément


    Remember  you always have to write your name when posting your colaboration

  • Post here your algorithms, solutions and photos

    desi's algorithm

    Multiply the days of the year by two, then subtract thirteen from this result, and make that number to have four digits.

    andrea's algorithm

    the two digits are the postal code of Barcelona , and the two last the postal code of Balearic Islands , you will know the next two numbers

    maria's algorithm

    Multiply the months of a year by 100, add to that number the chapters of Prison Break and what you subtract 62

    Léo Quesnot's algorithm

    1) Take the first digit of the Avogadro's number.
    2) Add the number of letters in the word : red.
    3) Multiply by 1.10²
    4) Divide by two.
    5) Add the square root of twenty-five.
    6) Multiply the result by six thirds.

    Give the answer !

    Anatole Clos's algorithm

    1) Consider the number of hours in one day.
    2) Multiply by ten.
    3) Add 10.
    4) Divide by five.
    5) Multiply by twenty-two.
    6) Add one.
    What is my secret ?

    Rémy Besnier's algorithm

    1. how many two times five hundred ?
    2. add to two times three
    3. minus four

    what is my secret ?

    jules lemoine's birthday

    Take the numbers of days in one week
    You subtract one
    And multiply by two, you find the month
    it's the square from 4
    you add to the number in 1 week multiply by two

    damien Lejuez's

    - give the numbers of days in 3 ?
    - multiply by two
    - subtract from fifteen
    - add to hundert

    whos is my birthday ?


    1. The variable X is the century we live in.
    2. Multiply it with the number of sides a cube has.
    3. Add today's month number squared.
    4. Substract twice the fifth prime number.
    5. Put the number that is in the origin of a coordinatesystem on the left-hand side.

    You'll now have my birthday, congrats!

    Inga (first part)

    A. A is equal to 2 to the power of 10 plus 6 minus the quantity of 1000 times 2 minus 970.
    B. B is A plus the 2nd prime number squared.
    C. If there are B number of birds sitting in a tree and a hunter shoots them. How many birds are still sitting in that tree? The answer is C. (it is not a math question)

    Inga (second part)

    D. To get D you need to do multiple steps:
    a. First, multiply C by the number of days in the shortest month of the year and then add this to the quantity of 2x plus 3, squared.
    b. Next you set x as the number of letters of the last name from the author of “Faust” and then calculate the resulting expression.
    c. Lastly you take the square root of b. and then subtract the sum of 2 times the 2nd prime number. The result is D.

    To get the full answer simply write your solutions of A, B, C, D one after the other (in alphabetical order).

    answer to Léo Quesnot´s algorithm from Desi´s

    the answer is 2089, I don´t know the day and month.

    The answer to Anatole Clon´s algorithm from Andrea´s

    The answer is 1101
    So your birthday is 1/11

    Answer to Rémy Besnier´s algorithm from Maria

    The answer is 1002, your birthday is the 2nd of October

    Answer to desi's algorithm

    When I am right it is 0717 (17th. July)

    solution andrea's algorithm by Marta

    The algorithm is 0807, your birthday is on the 7th of August!

    solution Anatole Clo's algorithm by Marta

    Your code is 1101, so your birthday should be on the 1st of November!

    Solution for Rémy Lejuez

    Your birthday is October 2nd (1002)

    Solution to Marta

    your birthday is on the fourth feburary

    Sincerly, Your Adolf

    Léo Quesnot's algorithm - Solution

    Your Birthday is on 21th of November

    Comment: Adolfs answer to my algorithm

    Dear "Adolf",
    you are correct. My birthday is on the 4th february. Marta