Activity 1. Solving algorithms in English

  • In this activity you have to create one algorithm to let your partners to know what is your birthday in the format MMDD.

    For instance, imagine that your birthday is the 3rd of April, then the solution of your secret number will be 0403. 

    Then the algorithm can be


    Consider the number of days in a week.

    Read (N), subtract the second prime number from this number.

    Multiply the result by 100.

    Add 3.

    Convert into a 4 digit number (if necessary add zeroes to the left)

    What is my  secret number?

    You will work in international teams, in every group each student has to write one algorithm and try to solve the other students' puzzles. Finally you will upload a photo showing your birthday and your age.

    Remeber the deadlines:

    • Posting the algorithms September 15th-October 15th
    • Guessing dates and posting photos: October 15th-November10th