Curriculum Integration

  • Curriculum Integration

    Key competences used in Italy

    — Literacy competence,
    —Multilingual competence,
    — Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering,
    —Digital competence,
    —Personal, social and learning to learn competence,
    —Citizenship competence,
    —Entrepreneurship competence,
    —Cultural awareness and expression competence.


    • competenza alfabetica funzionale;
    • competenza multilinguistica;
    • competenza matematica e competenza in scienze, tecnologie e ingegneria;
    • competenza digitale;
    • competenza personale, sociale e capacità di imparare ad imparare;
    • competenza in materia di cittadinanza;
    • competenza imprenditoriale;
    • competenza in materia di consapevolezza ed espressione culturali

    Italian curriculun for kindergarten
    Learning Outcomes Malta

    These are the Learning Outcomes for Kindergarten in Malta

    Malta Project Approach and Emergent Curriculum

    Malta Kindergarten Curriculum
    The Emergent Curriculum and The Project Approach have been introduced in Kindergarten as of last scholastic year 2018/2019.

    Portugal, The Curriculum Guidelines for Preschool Education

    Identify three contents areas: social and personal training; expression and communication; and knowledge of the world

    Turkey , Curriculum integration of the project -Belgin Tunç

    Literacy competence,
    —Multilingual competence,
    — Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering,
    —Digital competence,
    —Personal, social and learning to learn competence,
    —Citizenship competence,
    —Entrepreneurship competence,
    —Cultural awareness and expression competence.

    1st Primary School of Komotini -Greece

    The inclusion of arts learning into STEM education has distinct benefits. STEAM encourages the development of creative problem-solving skills, inventive thinking, imaginative design capabilities, and obtaining a more well-rounded skillset to tackle challenges.
    Math Activities
    Science Activities
    Technology Activities (coding)
    Seasonal Activities

    Greek curriculum for kindergarten 4th kindergarten of Didimoticho

    The involvement of early childhood children in the Natural Sciences contributes to: (a) exploiting the curiosity and inner motivation of young children to explore the world around them; (b) supporting scientific "literacy" so that they can explore systematically understand basic functions, solve problems, form a critical attitude and make decisions
    which support the emergence of science, technology and society interdependence, the development of key competences; (c) the development of a positive attitude towards science, and the awareness that science is a cultural product in constant evolution.

    Nurten ÖZEL / Beyşehir Cumhuriyet Anaokulu TURKEY

    Preschool education curriculum implemented in Turkey, the Turkish nation freely to make an important member of modern civilization and able to think scientifically, constructive, creative and productive individuals aims to educate. According to the program, early childhood education is based on some basic knowledge that focuses on developing children's imagination and creative and critical thinking skills.
    The aforementioned skills and the characteristics of STEAM training are largely overlapping. STEAM education argues that preschool children who learn by researching, problem solving and asking questions are born as researchers. In addition, the pre-school curriculum places great importance on children's critical thinking, planning, testing their practice, expressing themselves, questioning, and play-oriented learning. Similarly, game-based learning approaches that promote early learning through active participation are appropriate ways to implement STEAM in early childhood education.

    Başak YILMAZ, Turkey , Curriculum integration of the project

    Achievement 10: Implements the directions about the location in the space.
    It tells the position of the object in space.
    Places the object in the right place in accordance with the directive.
    It takes place in the space.
    Uses the map and sketch.
    Gain 11: Measures objects.
    Estimates the measurement result.
    It measures in non-standard units.
    Says the result of the measurement.
    Compares the measurement results with the results it predicts.
    Acquisition 17: Establishes a cause-effect relationship.
    It tells of the possible causes of an event.
    Tells the possible consequences of an event.
    Acquisition 19: Finds solutions to problem situations.
    It tells the problem.
    Suggests various solutions to the problem.
    Chooses one of the solutions.
    He tells the rationale of the solution he chose.
    He tries the solution path he chooses.
    When he cannot reach the solution, he chooses a new solution.
    Offers creative solutions to the problem.

    Gülsüm ATİLE Hakkı Tatoğlu Prımary School Antalya Turkey

    Using Project-Based Learning , Learning with design model and learning methods to deal with everyday life problems.



    Nurten ÖZEL Beyşehir Cumhuriyet Anaokulu

    Projemizle Okul Öncesi Programına göre öğrencilerimize kazandırmak istediğimiz Gelişim Alanları, Kazanım ve Göstergeleri

    Ayşe Beyza Ünlü-Çeşmecik Vali Kemal KAtıtaş İlkokulu

    STEM education for integration with pre-school Education Program(2009) of the Turkey

    Semra Kahveci

    1. Sınıf Müfredat Uyumu

    Grrek curriculum for 3o Nipiagogeio Kilkis - Greece

    The Greek curriculum in kindergarten increases the implementation of teachers and students to plan, organize and finally do innovative projects as long as they create a suitable learning environment that promotes creativity, imaginary and learning solving problems. Encouraging students to Steam activities responds to basic principles of Creek curriculum that cares in an educational system that its main purpose is not only the content of what students learn but how they learn through activities that have a meaning for them. So STEAM encourage students to cultivate skills of 21 century through playing and exploring, experiments, observations and problems. Moreover STEAM activities motivate young children to develop scientific skills and literacy and have a positive attitude for science

    The influence of Vigostky in Movimento da Escola Moderna Early Childhood Education Curriculum in Portugal

    A text from a Early Childhood Educatio researcher about the Pedagogical model I use with my pupils.