April Collaborations

  • Let's STAY positive through S.T.E.A.M


    Due to unforeen circumstances we have agreed to let the children be the experts and see what S.T.E.A.M related activities they come up with. Understanding that not all children have the equal amount of resources like some others. So let's keep it inclusive and let the children show us how safe they can stay at home while keeping themselevs occupied thruogh the skills we have investigated of S.T.E.A.M


    - Plan:

    1) Create Teacher collaborative video using own native language to provide HOPE for our students and community


    2) Create Student awerness of the importance to stay at home


    3) Reverse roles and let students become the teachers to teach parents how to use S.T.E.A.M approach. 


    4) Stay Home and keep safe through ETWINNING