Some of our Many adventures in December
Photos taken by the students
Efeler Zübeyde Hanım Anaokulu TurkeyDecember Cylinder Activities on Padlet
Turn a pile of trash into a toy car—and watch it go! In this activity you will learn some physics concepts and use recycled materials to build a toy car that is propelled by a balloon. You can even find a friend, build two cars and race them against each other. Whose car will go the fastest?
We became hunters and we learnt to explore our world and through the activities we learnt to use cylinders in many ways. So funny!
Beyşehir Cumhuriyet Anaokulu
We became Clyinder hunters. We investigated the rollers around us. We learned to use rollers in many ways. Very enjoyablewe had a lot of fun!
Turkey: ÇEşmecik VKK İlkokuluKEOPS Mİrror
Turkey: Çeşmecik VKK İlkokuluPixel
Turkey: Çeşmecik VKK İlkokulu
Turkey: Çeşmecik VKK İlkokuluThis is a kaleidoscope. A magic image for kids!
Turkey: Çeşmecik VKK İlkokuluWe used the dough as a fastener. Small cylinder rods: We made house, ladder and house for, pool, livestock ...
Turkey: Çeşmecik VKK İlkokuluWe have cylindrical objects in our class ... And a stove that we use to warm up :)
Efeler Zübeyde Hanım Anaokulu/TURKEYDecember Cylinder Activities Evaluation
Çeşmecik VKK İlkokulu December Actvities on Padlet
December Activities Evaluation
Cylinder System Experiments 2
Let's Build A Car
Our Cylidner system discussion
Christmas ornaments
Build a car
Sınıfımızda araba yaptık çok eğlendik.
Pixel actıvıty codeweek 1
Clyinder avcıları olduk. Etrafımızdaki silindirleri araştırdık. Silindirleri birçok şekilde kullanmayı öğrendik. Çok eğlenceliçok eğlendik!
Kaleydeskop so beautiful
Aynadan ve rulolardan kaleydeskop yaptık ve karşıyı görmek çok hoşumuza gitti We made a kaleidoscope of mirrors and rolls and we liked to see the opposite
Roller hunt
we made cylinder printing, we had fun with watercolors