Acknowledgements & Achievements & Dissemination

  • Posts of all the project successes that are being shared amongst the community through


    - dissemination

    - evaluations

    - social media

    - events

    - online platforms

    - Newspapers etc 


  • Project Successes

    eTwinning Portal

    Our project being used as an example of good practices during the COVID-19 scenarios

    Barbara Trivelli IC Giovanni XXIII

    Our project is on my school homepage, with a link to the eTwinning Newsroom and a final video for families

    Nurten ÖZEL Beyşehir Cumhuriyet Anaokulu

    Our School web page news

    Project on Newsletter

    Etwinning Newsletter May 2020

    Başak YILMAZ/Efeler Zübeyde Hanım Anaokulu Aydın /TURKEY

    A news from our school website

    Başak YILMAZ/Efeler Zübeyde Hanım Anaokulu Aydın /TURKEY

    e-Twining Türkiye facebook page sharing about our project (17 March 2020)

    Başak YILMAZ/Efeler Zübeyde Hanım Anaokulu Aydın/TURKEY

    e-Twining Türkiye facebook page sharing about our project (30 August 2019)

    Başak YILMAZ/Efeler Zübeyde Hanım Anaokulu Aydın /TURKEY

    e-Twining Türkiye facebook page sharing about our project (15 April 2020)

    Ayşe Beyza Ünlü- Çeşmecik VKK İlkokulu-Turkey

    Our school has made news about our project, which attracts attention with the activities we conduct remotely!


    In the news portal of STEAM-Tastic Project's Twinning news letter , the news was also published on our school's website :)

    Dissemination of the project 4th kindrergarten school of Didimoticho Voudouri Georgia

    The themes of our project and our activities were published on our school's webpage.

    Dissemination of Book

    Our books was shared on various social media platforms

    Our ebook on Malta eTwinning page

    Our ebook was published and shared on Malta's eTwinning Facebook Page

    Our book shared on social media

    Our book shared with the public on social media Facebook group Home Activities during school lock down

    Book Published on our school page (Malta)

    Book posted also on our school page for the community to use

    Etwinning Malta

    Our book was also shared on the eTwinning Facebook page

    Book Published on website (Charmaine Attard)

    Our book was posted and blogged about on the website

    From eTwinning Italia
    eTwinning Italia FaceBook
    eTwinning Europe
    eTwinning Europe
    e Twinning Turkey-Güzeltepe Ahmet Yesevi Prımary School-Tuğba GÜNGÖR

    In our STEAM-TASTIC project, we expand our joint workbook by sharing it on social media websites. Now, Twinning Turkey is on FaceBook.

    e Twinning Kocaeli-Güzeltepe Ahmet Yesevi Prımary School-Tuğba GĞNGÖR

    In our STEAM-TASTIC project, we expand our joint workbook by sharing it on social media websites. Now, Twinning Kocaeli is on FaceBook.

    On the school website- Güzeltepe Ahmet Yesevi Prımary School-Tuğba GÜNGÖR

    In our STEAM-TASTIC project, we expand our joint workbook by sharing it on social media websites. Here is our news on the school website.

    Güzeltepe Ahmet Yesevi Prımary School-Tuğba GÜNGÖR

    In our STEAM-TASTIC project, we expand our joint workbook and all project activities by sharing them on social media websites. Here are our news on the school's website

    Voudouri Georgia Greece Dissemination of the project

    ETwinning Greece facebook page

    Dissemination of the project Voudouri Georgia

    Forum eTwinning STEM Greece facebook page

    Dissemination on Malta Education Website By The Office of the Permanent Secretary In Education

    Our ebook was shared also by the office of the Malta Minister of Education

    Book Published online by Malta Minister of Education

    Sharing of good practice

    Nurten ÖZEL Beyşehir Cumhuriyet Anaokulu

    Our short story introduction in our School Website

    Nurten ÖZEL Beyşehir Cumhuriyet Anaokulu

    Our Activities Book İn Our School Website

    Nurten ÖZEL Beyşehir Cumhuriyet Anaokulu

    Our school Facebook Page

    Nurten ÖZEL Beyşehir Cumhuriyet Anaokulu

    Etwinning Newsletter May 2020

    Project on eTwinning Malta website

    Our eBook featured as Good Practices on Malta eTwinning website

    Project on Malta eTwinning website

    Gülsüm ATİLE Hakkı Tatoğlu Prımary School Antalya

    school web site

    Gülsüm ATİLE Hakkı Tatoğlu Prımary School Antalya

    cylinder printing work

    Gülsüm ATİLE Hakkı Tatoğlu Prımary School Antalya

    Robots lego web site

    Gülsüm ATİLE Hakkı Tatoğlu Prımary School Antalya

    robot design boots

    Gülsüm ATİLE Hakkı Tatoğlu Prımary School Antalya

    stone painting art

    Gülsüm ATİLE Hakkı Tatoğlu Prımary School Antalya

    our project is a great introduction to the eTwinning portal

    Our common Blog
    Barbara Trivelli

    I presented our Activity Book during an online Tinkering course

    Dissemination of the project Voudouri Georgia

    Panhellenic School Network

    Gülsüm ATİLE Hakkı Tatoğlu Prımary School Antalya

    Project local newspaper

    Ayşe Beyza Ünlü-Çeşmecik VKK İlkokulu

    The common products of our project became news on our school site

    Ayşe Beyza Ünlü-Çeşmecik Vkk İlkokulu

    My School Facebook Adress

    Başak Yılmaz/ Efeler Zübeyde Hanım Anaokulu /Aydın

    E Twinning Türkiye Facebook Page news

    Başak Yılmaz/ Efeler Zübeyde Hanım Anaokulu /Aydın

    E Twinning Türkiye Facebook Page news

    Project Dissemination

    Slides used for online events, webinars etc during Dissemination

    Link to Event

    The Link to our online EVENT about sharing our work

    Link of our event

    Online event

    S.T.E.A.M-tastic online event

    Başak Yılmaz/ Efeler Zübeyde Hanım Anaokulu /Aydın

    Online Event


    E Twinning Live online activity - S.T.E.A.M-tastic Sharing of Practice

    Dissemination of the project Voudouri Georgia

    Presentation to our school's community

    Gülsüm ATİLE Hakkı Tatoğlu Prımary School Antalya

    why did we learn why ships don't sink

    Gülsüm ATİLE Hakkı Tatoğlu Prımary School Antalya

    eTwinning Our project selected as a sample project is on the first page of the portal

    Gülsüm ATİLE Hakkı Tatoğlu Prımary School Antalya


    Gülsüm ATİLE Hakkı Tatoğlu Prımary School Antalya

    We gave gifts by making bookends with the logo of our project at the Erasmus days in Antalya and the eTwinning quality label ceremony

    Gülsüm ATİLE Hakkı Tatoğlu Prımary School Antalya

    We gave gifts by making bookends with the logo of our project at the Erasmus days in Antalya and the eTwinning quality label ceremony


    I made a presentation at İstanbul National Education Union eTwinning Projects Dissemination Webinars about STEAM tastic Project

    Dissemination from Malta

    Dissemination of our project during the Malta eTwinning School Online celebrations

    Dissemination Malta

    Dissemination through school Social Media too

    Celebrations in Malta

    Our project on the Online presentation of the Maltese online School Label presentations

    Dissemination of the project to parents

    In 3o Nipiagogeio Kilkis, Greece we presented the project during school's lockdown because of Covid - 19 through e-class and an online meeting with them through WEBEX.

    Dissemination from Malta during eTwinning Malta Webinars

    Sharing of Practice of our S.T.E.A.M-tastic adventures

    National Quality Label

    Maltese Team got the National Label so happy thank you