Virtual Meeting Spain


    Virtual Mobility Spain


    23 students and 1 teacher from Germany, 22 and 1 teacher Students from Greece and 25 students, 3 teachers and 1 coordinator from Spain participated in this activity.

    The Spanish school partner coordinated this virtual meeting.  

    Student actors love improvs. This one generates a lot of original thinking in a short amount of time. Their focus the thinking of student actors on three words or phrases chosen at random to guide their creation of an improvised scene, we will free them to think far more creatively than if we told them to create a scene about anything at all. Although it sounds counter-intuitive, setting limits actually frees up creativity.

    The aims this meeting  are: This exercise gives student practice in quick collaboration, decision-making, and improvising based on a small amount of pre-planning

    •    Imitates real life because it results in organic, unscripted conversations that flows naturally.

    •    Builds class trust by giving students the opportunity to step outside of their comfort zones and work off one another.

    •    Encourages attentive listening because in order to come up with an appropriate response students have to be closely following the conversation. Attentive listening supports retention.

    •    Improves speaker confidence and clarity by putting students in situations where they must adopt a role and be open, creative and expressive in order to complete the activity.
    •    Requires participation because there is nowhere to hide during an improvised skit or conversation. Increased participation in turn boosts learning.

    Mrs. Bosada and her team created improvisations the games. We decided that our students are going to explain and do the rounds 1 and 2 of the instructions and your students just have to guess the names.

    To make it easier for your students I’ll send you a list with the celebrities names  of the game.



    Object: To score the most points be collecting names three sperate rounds.
    Setup: Divide into teams with teams’ members Time´s up

    . Quickplay: A game is played using a set of randomly chosen names from a list- Each team gets 30 seconds to guess the name, with one player (the Cluegiver) giving clues to his teammate (the Guesser)

    . Players can always use sound effects and pantomime, but speech becomes more restricted as the game progresses


    14.12.20 Coordination Meeting (Teachers)
    15.12.20 Students work into Twinspace and prepare the names of the game
                   Students work in groups about the theatre´s element.   improvisation and Pantomime
    16.12.20 We tested the game with teachers 
    17.12.20 We play together in Teams