• Dissemination

    SEDIFIEE in the Bulgarian school website

    January 2020

    SEDIFIEE Solidarity activity in the Bulgarian school newspaper
    Establish Erasmus + corners in partner schools

    The preparation of this space has been agreed with the rest of the coordinators of the Erasmus + projects in the center.

    First of all, we wanted to attract attention, announcing in large letters the existence of this Erasmus corner.

    With four projects, we have decided to divide the available space into four equal spaces. The four parts have been drawn and a word in English has been placed, with different colors, that identifies each project in each of them.


    Students of our school IES Politecnico Jesús Marín have collaborated in the awards ceremony of the 'Childhood Look' awards in the School of Infant and Primary Education (CEIP) Manuel Altolaguirre, located in the Palma-Palmilla neighborhood of Malaga.

    Bulgarian national eTwinning event

    The project was presented as a good learning practice during the National eTwinning workshop in June 2020

    Erasmus corner in Bulgaria
    Croatian mobility












    Croatian school webpage
    eTw Live event

    Organised by the Bulgarian NSS.
    Good eTw practices have been presented as part of SEDIFIEE project

    STEAM skills in eTwinning multilateral seminar

    Dissemination of our project

    Erasmus Days 2021

    Bulgarian students played a Kahoot game created by our Italian partner.

    Dissemination of the project in the annual eTwinning newsletter

    Issued by the eTw Visibility Group

    SEDIFIEE Europe Day

    Bulgarian team

    SEDIFIEE Blogger


    Interschool Qualification on Erasmus projects

    SEDIFIEE in Bulgaria, May 2021


    This is the poster created by Italian students to disseminate SEDIFIEE project

    ERASMUS+ PROJECTS POSTERS in the Erasmus+ corner at I.I.S.S. "E. FERMI" LECCE

    The posters of the 5 erasmus+ projects carrierd out at school are displayed near the Erasmus+ corner, in the main entrance of the school so all school community and visitors can see them

    Italian Banner

    This is the banner to disseminate erasmus+ projects and etwinning activities carried out at I.I.S.S. "E.Femi" Lecce

    An article on the local newspaper

    On the occasion of a new study course at I.I.S.S. "E. Fermi" school, the project Sedifiee is mentioned and details about it are given

    The project is announced and presented in the Italian school website


    ERASMUSDAYS on local newspaper

    Venerdì 16 Ottobre 2020

    SEDIFIEE Bulgaria info about the LTTA in Italy

    The school site

    Regional Inspectorate of Education in Sofia, Bulgaria

    Info about the LTTA

    About Italian and Spanish mobility in Croatian media
    Croatian webportal about Bulgarian mobility
    A visit to Europe Direct Osijek

    Erasmus students visited Europe Direct Osijek to discuss our project subtopic EU values.

    Implementation of Migration lesson plan

    During Spanish mobility teachers created lesson plans on different topics regarding social integration. We implemented one of the lesson plans in our school I.gimnazija Osijek.

    Croatian school webpage dedicated to project
    ErasmusDays exhibition

    Croatian school organised an online exhibition of Erasmus projects for 30 schools from the area. Schools presented their projects and impact of these projects on the individuals and schools.

    End of the project

    Italian newspaper published an article about Erasmus projects in Italian school including our project.

    Croatian Erasmus corner