National High School in Finance and Business, Sofia, Bulgaria

  • The National High School in Finance and Business (NHSFB) is a vocational high school and it has been preparing specialists-economists with secondary education. In 1999 the school acquired the status of National school and in 2017 it became “Innovative School” with a decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria. The newest and advanced disciplines in the school are "Economics and Management" and "Trade" which are a dual form of education.

    There are 75 teachers and 930 students, aged 14-19. We have long experience within the framework of the European Lifelong Learning Program, “Erasmus +” and other projects such as Junior Achievement Partnership. The school takes part in The European Parliament Ambassador School Programme.

    School website:

    Project blog:

    Students in the SEDIFIEE project are 14-16 years old.