Web Applications Used in the Classroom

  • Education of the 21st century must be visionary and future-oriented, in the face of stunning scientific and technological innovations and changes. The students of the 21st century are digital natives. They are skilled with technology and comfortable with global and intercultural communication. That means modern web applications have to enter study process more energetically.


    The objectives of the project " Get SMART!" were:

      * to improve the capacity of the partner school staff based on the needs of the 21st century to apply modern online teaching tools

     * to identify and analyze good practices of the partner schools in the field of web applications that can be used in different subject lessons

     * to try out 100 website applications on different treasures (scientific, language, historical, cultural, gastronomic and nature)  treasures 

    * to compile lesson plans where web applications are used

     * to raise students' skills of team-teaching

     * to raise teachers' technology skills corresponding to the needs of the 21st century

     • to strengthen mutual understanding among European nations through getting to know different traditions of the participating countries

     * to compile a booklet " Get SMART!" where all the created web applications will be gathered.