Nature Treasures


    A virtual activity C 9 was organized on November 30 - December 2, 2020. instead of the planned learning/teaching activity C 7 in Greece.

    During the activity participants:

    * presented the natural treasures of their countries

    * prepared crossword puzzles on 3 chosen natural treasures in each country. The created crossword puzzles were tried out in each school and evaluated by other school students.

    * participated in international photo exhibition " Elements of nature around us”

    * created video clips on what they have learned during the project  and how the project has influenced them.

    The purpose of this learning/teaching activity was to make students realize the connection between people and environment, to become aware of the

    problems connected with it.


    During the learning/teaching activity C 9 the participants:

    * learned about the natural treasures of the partner countries

    * presented the natural treasures of their countries

    * created crossword puzzles which will be able to use in teaching natural treasures

    * enjoyed natural beauty of the partner countries in a photo exhibition

    * created video clips on how the project activities have influenced the participants.