Harbours' Logo

  • Dear students,

    as we admired at Europeana's platform, the gallery "Trawlers, harbours and fishing communities" consisted of photos.

    Your turn at this point is to become an artist for the moment and to draw in 1/4 of an A4 page a representative logo for our project. Then you have to visit ithe following form which one of all these drawings should be, in your opinion, the representative logo for our project.

    Be carefoul, you have to vote only three of them which you believe are the best.

    Deadline for voting is Friday 15 February.....

    Voting for the best logo to represent our project it was a really exciting task, as all of the drawings were so nice and as Natavan said really masterpieces!!

    Our students voted with enthousiasm!!

    Here are the results of voting


    and the winner logo is a drawing from Azerbaijan!

    Congratulations, dear Nuray!!!

    Congratulations to all the students who participated!!!!