Europeana's platform

  • Hey, dear students, do you know about Europeana?

    It is a platform with more than 58,059,677 artworks, artefacts, books, films and music from European museums, galleries, libraries and archives.

    It is based on an initiative with the following mission: "We transform the world with culture. We build on Europe’s rich cultural heritage and make it easier for people to use for work, learning or pleasure. Our work contributes to an open, knowledgeable and creative society."

    Angeliki, Natavan and Irene chose one of the Europeana's galleries with the title: "Trawelers, harbours and fishing communities" to work on collaboratively, because each one of our cities that we live and work in Greece, Italy and Azarbaijan has a harbour that we would like to learn about and highlight it as an important landmark of our Cultural Heritage that we should preserve it.

    Trawlers, harbours and fishing communities