Armbandet & Kättsätter

  • (Here Sweden will write their part of the story by 31 October.

    of the characters and the environment.)


    The story of the missing father Åberg

    There was once a donkey walking on the grass in Italy and eating the grass but the donkey did not like the grass because it was too dry. The sun was shining and it was very hot, so the donkey decides to go to buy ice cream and there the donkey met Alfons Åberg! But Alfons looks sad so the donkey asks what has happened and wants to comfort him.

    - But Alfons what happened? Asks the donkey.

    - I lost my dad, said Alfons.

    Alfons and the donkey decide to look for the father Åberg. Alfons and the donkey go to the pond. They think that Alfons dad might be there to take a swim because it's so hot. When they walk by the pond they meet the ugly duckling who is swimming.

    - Hello! We've lost Alfon's dad. Have you seen him? We thought he was here and swimming says the donkey.

    - Yes he was here and swum before but he went to the forest! He said he wanted to pick mushrooms and grapes says the ugly duckling.

    - Thanks for the help! Do you want to come along and look? Asks Alfons.

    - Yes, I want to help!” says the ugly duckling.

    The donkey, Alfons and the ugly duckling start to walk towards the forest. In the forest they hear a sound beeping, ”beep beep beep”. Down the tree comes a yellow mouse.

    - Hello! Have you seen my dad? Asks Alfons.

    - Yes I saw a man walking past my house says the yellow mouse. Why are you wondering?

    - We want to find him because he's gone says Alfons.

    - I can help you find him if you want my help? Says the yellow mouse.

    - Yes, thank you, that would be nice” said Alfons, the donkey, the yellow duckling.

    They continue to search the forest and find footprints.

    - Oh! Look! I think this is Dad's footsteps. We must follow!, said Alfons.

    The footprints lead them to…