On this page we develop a game together.
The aim is to get to know each other's "special buildings" better.
The information from the page "Cultural Heritage Information" should be used to create a quiz.
The main work and the subsequent use of this project result took place and is taking place online with the help of this twinspace.
The first step is to create quiz questions. We use a twinboard for this. Students consider statements or questions about their special buildings, and each city answer in the comment.
Second step: The Icelandic team uses the twinboard to create a Kahoo Quizz.
Third step: The participating students at the Perugia meeting play, test and improve the Kahoo Quizz. This meeting could not take place due to force majeure (Covid 19). So we had to do without this step.
Fourth step: In our schools we use the Kahoo Quizz to inform the school communities about our project and the project partners. An entertaining way to convey the special cultural peculiarities, the architectural conditions and mathematical relationships.