Languages in our schools

  • We are happy to introduce ourselves!

    Class 5B San Biagio ITALY

    The children are speaking another language in kindergarden Bulgaria.

    21st February

    2019 is Mother Language Day 

    UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 

    Article 2 Every child has the same rights regardless of their race, colour, sex, language, religion, politics, nationality, social class, place of birth or disability. 

    Article 30 Every child has the right to practice their own culture, language and religion. 

    Let's all join together to celebrate the languages that the children in our schools speak. 

    Let's use this day to look at our cultural heritage and celebrate the diversity in our school.

    paula bell

    Yesterday we celebrated International Mother Language Day. We are very lucky to have many families at Barton Hill Academy who can offer us insight into languages and cultures other than our own, so lots of children brought in something to share with their classmates which reflects their own language, culture or heritage. International Mother Language Day is a worldwide annual observance held to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and promote multilingualism. Article 30 of the UNICEF rights of the child states that ‘Every child has the right to practice their own culture, language and religion’ Aydin brought in a Turkish flag and delicious recipes, Karina brought in Romanian story books, Pufferfish were treated to some Polish chocolates brought in by Oliver and Joel and Yokesh taught his class how to count up to 5 in Tamil to name but a few! Here are just a few of many photos we have of children who relished the opportunity to share their language and culture with us.


    Frankie, Jowl, Alya.JPG


    This is our video about languages Pre primary Resistenza

  • Animal Sounds England

    What do animals say in England?

    A cow says 'Moo', a sheep says 'Baaa', a cockrel says 'Cock-a-doodle-doooo'

  • How many languages are spoken in all of our schools?
    Less than 5
    5 votes (41.67%)
    3 votes (25.00%)
    above 10
    4 votes (33.33%)