the canvas

  • Canvas is a story that opens the project and leads pupils of both partner schools through tasks and challenges. The canvas of "To save HISTORY" project introduces an imaginary Minister of Education who one day, finds out that HISTORY in his amazing country loses its glory. To save it, he calls together his bravest Ambassadors to set off and rebuild  the interest in local medieval and ancient history among learners. The challenges and tasks the Ambassadors are supposed to embrace cover maths, IT, art, music, English as well as history topics.

    Licencja Creative Commons
    This film is avaliable in Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

    To follow the tasks visit appropriate subpages:

    - task 1 gives pupils involved in the project flow opportunity to know each other and start cooperation

    - task 2 allows pupils learn history of their place of living, discover historical remainings and gather data