April - June 2019




    Fine art doesn´t have to be just drawing and painting! (CR)


    Fine art doesn´t have to be just drawing and painting!

    The students of tercie class coild experience it when they were asked to create a bridge that would carry a small car. All this in just one piece of A3 paper, without the use of glue or adhesive tape.


    Prezentiad 2019

    The Kvarta class has joined the Prezentiada competition. This year, the tenth year of this presentation skills competition took place. Teams of two or three will compete to create and submit a contest on a given topic. The Regional Commission will invite the authors of selected works to the regional round, where the contestants can try to present themselves in front of the audience, overcome fright and convince the jury. You can find more about the competition at www.prezentiada.cz.
    On April 5, 2019, 9 pupils from Quarta took part in the regional round in four teams. Altogether 14 teams participated in the regional round in Pardubice. The best of ours was in the fourth place by Amálie and Jan.

    Two girls working on this project, Katka and Aneta took part in the competition too and their performance was really good. You can see them in this picture.