Results and outcomes

  • This project, European Heritage: opening minds for integration and progress, aims at raising awareness, promoting integration and strengthening intercultural understanding, as well as EU citizenship, among young people.

    This will be achieved by sharing and analyzing European intangible cultural heritage and engaging pupils in active learning experiences, with the goal of developing not only 21st century key competences but especially those attitudes, skills or knowledge essential for mutual respect and solidarity (for example cross-cultural competence, ability to negotiate, ability to accept other viewpoints, etc.).

    Taking into account the project aims, here is a list of the basic results and outcomes:

    • A film presenting 5 to 7 aspects of each country's intangible heritage, including languages or dialects, traditions, legends, music, etc.  
    • Visual displays showing different aspects of intangible heritage (stories, food, dance, rituals, ..)  
    • An interactive map using a free app such as Scribble, giving an overview of the intangible cultural heritage.  
    • A survey to discover similarities and differences in the field of culture, carried out in each of the schools. The conclusions obtained will be the basis for an awareness campaign. 
    • A Twinspace within E-twinning will also be designed to favour communication, promote virtual cooperative work and showcase the results.
    •  A campaign to raise tolerance and prevent intolerant attitudes, such as gender exclusion, ethnic exclusion, socioeconomic exclusion. Working in international teams, students will create posters, leaflets but also radio announcements and/or video clips.
    • A report including best practices with special attention given to new models which promote social inclusion and prevent early school leaving. This report will be translated.
    • A graphic novel showing the discovery journey of Erasmus, to discover the European heritage and the different ways to tackle exclusion mechanisms.
    • A project website for dissemination purposes.  



    Best Practices Report

    ENGLISH Best Practices definitive Microsoft pdf.pdf

    DUTCH European Heritage report in Dutch.pdf

    Best practices in Italian def.pdf

    SPANISH   Best_practices_spanish_european_heritage.pdf