2.2. Vicco von Bülow Gymnasium (Stahnsdorf)

  • The Vicco-von-Bülow-Gymnasium is an elective school for students from year 7 to year 12 (12 to 17 years old) leading to the Abitur, the entrance qualification for university. Students who want to attend must show outstanding academic and social skills. Our curriculum focuses on languages and communication, music and art as well as sports. At the moment there are 712 students and 51 teachers at our school. Focusing on languages and communication includes establishing contacts worldwide, which, among other acitivities, we have been doing by means of Comenius and Erasmus projects since 2012. Working together with students and teachers from other countries has been very successful and very popular among students and staff, therefore we would like to continue with another project. Apart from the pillars of our curriculum mentioned above, we also focus on students’ health by offering projects on healthy eating, eating disorders and drug prevention. Working on these topics on an international level would give us new perspectives and insights and we could share our
    experiences with partner schools. We have well-equipped science classrooms for workshops during project meetings and we will also have a school kitchen by the time the new project starts.