1. Primary school Ivanec - Team Croatia

  • Our impressions

    Team Ivanec 5 - visited archaeological site at the site of Stari grad Ivanec 

    on October 19, 2018.

    Team Ivanec 4 - Krapina Neanderthal Museum

    Archaeological site Hušnjakovo Krapina



    International Archaeology Day, October 20, 2018.


    International Archaeology Day

    On the October 19th, many of the sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students took a journey to the past of our town, Ivanec.

    We gathered in the city park, where we were welcomed by the archaeologist Ivančica. Then, we went to the archaeological site. I was already familiar that there was an archaeological site in the park, but I did not know what precisely was found there. However, I did found out that there were two churches, a graveyard, and the Old City. The visit was very interesting, because I discovered something new.

    After visiting the churches’ foundations, we moved towards the Mountaineering Museum. I have never visited the Museum before. We entered a large room on the first floor, and I immediately realized that we were about to see a presentation. I thought that the presentation was going to be boring, however, I was wrong. It was very interesting. The archaeologist Ivančica explained to us the meaning of the word “archaeology”. It is a science that seeks material historical sources from the past. She showed us some examples of the material sources: ceramics, bones, a part of a knife, and skull. It was the first time I ever saw and touched the skull.

    Later on, we worked in groups, and had a task to write the entire documentation about “our findings”. When we were finished, our History teacher gave us some postcards of Ivanec and its surroundings. 

    Satisfied with the fact that our knowledge was now expand, we returned to school.

    Made by David


    International Archaeology Day from Suzana Jagić on Vimeo.

    Team Ivanec 3 - Interview with archeologist

    Team Ivanec 1 & Ivanec 2 visited the prehistoric site Vindija cave

    on October 10, 2018.

    Vindija cave is one of the most important Paleolithic sites in Europe, containing a large sample of Neandertal skeletal remains associated with both a distinctive lithic industry and a rich faunal assemblage. 


    Team Ivanec visited the prehistoric site cave Velika pećina (Mačkova špilja)

    on March 16, 2019.

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