• Describe eTwinning project "Prehistoric site" on this Linoit:

    Evaluating our project  with:

     Lino Sticky and Photo sharing for you

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia - Evaluation of the project


    Zeynep BEDİR /

    Kavak Secondary School,NEVŞEHİR

    in TURKEY


    I and my studets are very happy for taking parts in this project.We had a chance to see the prehistoric sites in Cappadocia.Not only we learn about prehistoric sites and underground cities , but also we have fun so much.Thanks to this project we have learned other countries prehistoric site's like Spain, Albania ,Serbia ,Croatia and Ukraine.

    Thank you Suzana Jagic for introducing us such an entertainment and educative project.

    Thanks my colleagues for sharing about your country.


    Elementary School"Mića stojković", Serbia

    Here are results of the surveys we did about our eTwinning projects from 2018/2019:
