The security rules on the Internet and digital resources

  • Security rules on the Internet

    Let's talk to the students about security on the Internet. Let us encourage them to write messages and presentations about the security rules they will follow during this project. Here are some ideas and examples:





    Wondering how to stay safe online? Follow smart rules!






    Message from Marija, Ivanec

         Respect others on the Internet!                                                                                                       Do not come into contact with strangers.

    Digital resources 






    Movie Maker 


    As a Sahin Schools Policy,

    1-We take signed permissions from parents to share photographs, videos and voice records at the beginning of the education year.

    2- We do not share images of children of parents who do not allow sharing.

    3- Our management is on the internet network in our school; social media, series and movie sites, shopping sites etc. has blocked access to sites that we believe may harm children.