
  • https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/TF5KI7m7HQhCi9gDq9yFYsFCVIlOoiGAVf9yx86yRVBwd-Av2STBsj5yH1lOfR3W2NSnC1SEa0xwFsPfyWCZ3Y-LWonXsA6bWpdyKQKZwpb4dq7pf9bdBKDeBoes0efWG_U4THXk LESSON PLAN https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/HgtVvXcbr2gZ5uw6Uc3dA67U86szNBjYpCXp3gDQsbVoO4ZQalkpAfbrexA-WD-dv5P0iKyjuENRQL9QUBLIdZX21EpGKUlnHvX1Hy8UqrbvcXSs4Tq3W_Ch1XVa0fT0boqwwjNN

    Project ‘Games Achieve My Educational Success’


    Country/ Teachers:

    TURKEY/ Selma DUŞ   -  Selin ÖĞRENDİK

    Country/ Date

    POLAND,INOWROCLAW/ 25/05/2018

    Group/ Age:

    year 15/ 16


    Turkey The Wonderland


    Students are going to learn about geographical location, natural beauty and historical heritage, traditions and culture of Turkey.

    Students are going to learn about İSTANBUL,İZMİR,ANTALYA,ANKARA,ÇANAKKALE  and DENİZLİ

    Success Criteria:

    I know where Turkey is.

    I know what Turkish  flag looks like.

    I know what the capital city and well known cities are

    I know what the strategic location of Turkey .

    I know the traditional Turkısh  food.

    I know  tourist attractions of Uşak.

    I know  that TAŞ BASKI is one of Turkey's traditional crafts .

    I know KAFKAS  the traditional Turkish folk dance.



    The teachers introduce themselves briefly and present the  strategic location of Turkey by using web2.0 tool thinglink.

    Activities/ Methods:


    -The Teachers presented by  thinglink   the first video of Turkey's natural beauty and historical heritages after that  they offered a video that tells the traditional and cultural values about various cities. The teachers present traditional Turkish art  ‘TAŞ BASKI’ some of the students take part in it.


    It was observed that all the activities performed by the students were followed with interest. The short quiz WHAT -  WHERE in learningapp was completed by pupils successfully.