Celebrations - Sp


    By Jan Rozman and Sheila's & Jennifer's feedback


    25 March to 1 April: Holy Week (Semana Santa), Seville

    Semana Santa is one of the most important festivals on the Spanish calendar. The Easter festivities are big all over Spain, but the biggest spectacle is in Seville. Semana Santa is mainly a series of processions of elaborate floats bearing jewelled statues of Mary and Jesus, penitents wearing pointed hoods, and brass bands. They begin on Palm Sunday the week before Easter, followed by those on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.15–

    25 February to 19 March: Las Fallas Festival, Valencia

    High-tech giant-size sculptures are shaped into traditional figures or even modern cultural icons such as Shrek and President Obama at this unique festival, which was added to the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List in 2016. The creations are on display all over the city before being burned in one of the many bonfires, which takes place amid much partying.

    21 April: Feria de Sevilla, Seville

    Spring Fair, the Feria, comes two weeks after Semana Santa. The Feria is a joyful festival with masses of food, drink, music and dancing. To the south west of the city a huge area is given over to the fair, creating a small ‘town’ of casetas (tents or pavilions) for drinking, eating and socializing. Sevilliano/as, in traditional flamenco dresses, or tight trousers and boleros, parade around on horseback and in carriages.


    Resultado de imagen de procesiones en sevilla       

    Wikipedia, https://fr.globalvoices.org/2014/04/20/167178/


    Good job!! We are going to add some typical celebrations in Granada

    Holly Week has no fixed date as it depends on the first full moon in spring (a Roman emperor decided it). So the fairs of Seville and Granada also change depending on the date of Easter Sunday.

    As Holly Week, every province of Andalusia has its own fair.  We have el Corpus (1, 2) in Granada for seven days and on Wednesday people from Granada take out La Tarasca (3), a woman on a dragon wearing fashionable clothes for this year. She is a mythological creature whose origin is found in a legend about Santa Marta.

    Image result for corpus en granada 1 Image result for feria corpus en granada 2

     Image result for tarasca granada3


    I winter the most important celebration is Christmas as the cities are decorated and there are several days for celebration.

    Resultado de imagen de navidad en granada Resultado de imagen de navidad en granada