School & Education - Sp


    Written by Jure Selšek and Mª Carmen's feedback



    All children resident in Spain must attend school between the ages of 6 and 16, which includes primary education and compulsory secondary education. After this, students can either continue onto optional upper secondary education if they want to enter university, undertake vocational training to enter a profession, or leave education altogether.

    State schools in Spain

    The majority of children in Spain attend Spanish state schools. State schools are called ‘public schools’ (not to be confused with English public schools which are private). Within the state education system in Spain, children usually attend the closest school to home at both primary and secondary level (allocated by the education department or the town hall).

    Private schools in Spain

    About a third of Spanish children and young people go to a private school. Some private schools are funded by the state and fees are subsidised thus cheaper, and others are fully independent.

    Private schools tend to have smaller classes sizes, have a wider choice of academic subjects, have better facilities and offer more extra-curricular activities than state schools. Most private schools are open from Monday to Friday, they may be day school or take boarders, and they will set their own term dates independent of the Spanish state education system.

    International schools

    Many international schools in Spain are fully independent. Some schools take children from nursery age up to university entrance level, otherwise concentrate on primary and/or secondary. Most international schools teach in English. Some international schools are also part funded by the state, including bilingual education. About a quarter of pupils in these schools will probably be Spanish. The aim is for pupils to be completely bilingual and able to go onto further education or employment in either language.

    Home schooling

    Home schooling isn’t illegal but few Spaniards do it.


    Imagen relacionada     Oldest school in Spain: Instituto San Isidro (1346)



    The Spanish education system is divided into four stages:

    Nursery and preschool education


    Nursery school: 3 months – 3 years old

    Preschool: 3 - 6 years old

    Primary education

    It is compulsory.

    Children attend primary school from age 6 until age 12.

    Compulsory secondary education

    It is compulsory.

    Between the ages of 12 and 16 years old.

    Upper secondary education

    At 16, students who wish to continue their education can study for a further two years to earn the Bachillerato certificate.

    After they can take an entrance exam to be able to attend a University.




    It is very well and correct, Jure. 

    Preschool is not compulsory, but it is the most common option and families take their children to school when they are 3 years old. After compulsory education you can either join Bachillerato or Vocational Education Training. When you finish a short cycle you can go to university too. Good job, Jure!

    Resultado de imagen de university of granada  Resultado de imagen de facultad de derecho granada fachada