


    Written by Luka Anžič and Babinou's feedback

    Granada is the capital city of the province of Granada, the autonomous community of Andalusia, Spain. Granada was first settled by native tribes in the prehistoric period, and was known as Ilbyr. When the Romans colonised southern Spain, they built their own city here and called it Illibris. The Arabs, invading the peninsula in the 8th century, gave it its current name of Granada. It was the last Muslim city to fall to the Christians in 1492, at the hands of Queen Isabel of Castile and her husband Ferdinand of Aragon.


    Warm Summers

    Sunny almost every day from June to September. Virtually no rain. July and August still hot. Burning power of the sun is deceptive in highlands. Daily highs up to 30°C and nightly lows 8°C. Shirt sleeve weather in the days perhaps a pullover in the evenings.

    Image result for plaza de las batallas granada   Image result for playa calabajio

    Cool Winters

    Mixture of beautiful clear, sunny winter days with overcast but cool days. Evenings noticeably much colder after the sun sets. First rains are late September or early October, can be heavy more than a day or two. Daily highs about 20°C and nightly lows down to freezing. Pullover or jacket in the day, warm coat in the evening. Room heating required.

    Image result for borreguiles  Image result for alpujarra


    Granada is located just at the point where the Sierra Nevada Mountains meet the fertile plain of the vega. Behind it are steep mountains and in front there is flat agricultural land. I suppose it was first inhabited and grew because it was easy to defend from behind and although it is dry in the summer there is always a supply of water coming from the mountain fuelled by melting snow, the rich soil in the Vega provided an ample food source. The altitude is 630 metres.



    The Plaza Bib-Rambla in Granada City


    Written by Luka Anžič



    Good job Luka, but I want to add some information:

    The Sierra de Huétor and la Alfaguara Natural Park is a natural park located near Granada city and was established in 1989.

    The area of the park includes mountain ranges of moderate altitude such as the Sierra de Húetor, Sierra de Cogollos, Sierra de Diezma...

    It's full by animals and vegetation.

    .Resultado de imagen de sierra de huetor