Reading - Sp


    BY MIHA DRŽANČ and María's feedback

    The first Spanish printing press was set up in 1473 at Valencia. Publishing flourished in the early period at Barcelona, Burgos, Zaragoza, Seville, and the university towns of Salamanca and Alcalá de Henares. The Instituto Nacional del Libro Español (National Book Institute) formed in 1941. As of 2004 Spain had some 2,000+ book publishers in the private sector, including Prensa Española, and Prisa. As of 2013 there were 809 publishing enterprises.

    1. South from Granada:

    Is an autobiographical book by Gerald Brenan, first published in 1957. Brenan, a fringe member of the Bloomsbury Group, moved to Spain in 1919 and lived there on and off for the rest of his life. The book is an example of travel literature, mixing an autobiographical account of his life in Yegen, the village where he found his first home in Spain, with detailed background information about the Alpujarras region of Andalusia. He describes visits to his home by Virginia Woolf, Lytton Strachey, and Dora Carrington.

    1. Granada: City of My Dreams:

    A book for the curious traveller. Lorenzo Bohme has filled these pages with luminous descriptions and drawings, the culmination of forty years of wanderings through the palaces and labyrinths of his adopted homeland, Granada.


     Well done Miha!! I would like to show you some famous writers in Granada. Our most important poet and playwriter is Federico García Lorca and an American Writer who was in love with Granada was Washington Irving, who wrote Tales of The Alhambra

    Resultado de imagen de lorca Federico García Lorca

    Resultado de imagen de tales of the alhambra